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Archive Manager400 - Tape Management System

        ArchiveManager400 is a system for managing backups, tape libraries and recording information on archive functions on the IBM AS400 and other processors.


ArchiveManager400 is split mainly into five parts:

  • Save and Restore operations.
  • Enquiries and Reports on save history
  • Defining Save and Restore cycles and other parameters.
  • Archive Library/Vault management.
  • Spoolfile Management. 


Save and Restore Operations.  Pre-defined save and restore operations can be executed, as well as ad-hoc backups. In addition, information on archive operations on other machines or information on operations prior to installing the automated archive manager, can be keyed into the database.

Enquiries and Reports on save history.  The archive history database can be interrogated using a variety of enquires and reports. Enquiries by application, or date, or object and library can be started. In addition you can request that overdue saves, or that failed saves be shown. As well as this *NONSYS and SAVSYS history can be shown. Spoolfile save history enquiries are also included.

Defining Save and Restore cycles and other parameters.  ArchiveManager400 enables you to define all your machines (individual computers), all your applications and save cycles. Locations and media descriptions are also setup. A multiple company option lets you define individual companies within a group.

ArchiveManager400 also has in-built security options and other system options.


Archive Library/Vault management.   As tapes and other backup media are moved from place to place, ArchiveManager400 will track such movements. The recycling of tapes, or purging, is also recorded. Sitting over all this information are extensive enquiries and reports. So it is possible to see at a glance what data is stored, and where it is kept.


Spoolfile Management.   ArchiveManager400 facilitates complete backup and restore for spoolfiles. You may select individual spoolfiles or specify that all spoolfiles in an output queue be saved. The spoolfiles processed can be further defined by using the user, spoolfile name, age, status, user data and formtype parameters. You may restore and reprint all spoolfiles from a tape, diskette save file, or pick the individual ones you want from a list of saved spoolfiles. Again there are details of each spoolfile saved held in the save history log, and enquiry facilities are there to pinpoint such information.